Sue Pearlman

TP Consultants


Governance Reviews for all sizes of charities

Training on Roles and Responsibilities for trustees and senior staff

Mentoring for CEOs and Chairs (sometimes together)

Active Learning for CEOs

Charity set up

Bespoke team building



Lloyds Bank Foundation

Hertfordshire Community Foundation

and many charities


Educated to degree level in management by Citizens Advice


Sue Pearlman has wide experience in the voluntary sector both as a senior manager and as a trustee. In 2004 she established TP Consultants to provide freelance consultancy and training. Sue is a skilled facilitator, trainer, supervisor and mentor. Her experience was gained mainly through her involvement with the Citizens Advice Bureau service where she started as a volunteer and rose to become Joint District Manager for a group of CABx. She remains passionate about the potential of the voluntary sector and understands the different roles that trustees, managers, staff, volunteers, clients, funders and other stakeholders play.

Her particular interests include governance, trustee/staff relationships, developing partnerships and collaborative working. She continues to be a trustee for a local and a national organisation.

Sue’s work has included board reviews, facilitating communication between trustees and senior managers, running workshops on all aspects of governance, the different legal structures, Trustee Roles & Responsibilities, Effective Boards and Effective Meetings, mergers and resulting operational issues.

A major part of Sue’s work is Governance Reviews for organisations, large and small. She also mentors senior staff and trustees. She often rusn AwayDays and other bespoke training for staff and/or trustees, and she enjoys the challenges of team building. Sue also facilitates Action Learning Sets for senior managers in the voluntary sector.